The evidence is undeniable that the current financial structure
breeds more and more inequality and clearly the whole thing is rigged to
greatly benefit the Elite at the expense of everyone else. The article
that is linked above offers some ideas on what it could take to care
for the poor, but those ideas would not empower the poor at all. Do we
really want to breed dependency?
TBC empowers YOU as well as the POOR. Your income in TBC is not
determined by a bureaucrat or a BOSS; YOU determine it by results. TBC
has provided a system that has proven over and over again that income
results are practically predictable. If you deviate from that system at
all, it will lessen your income results. We offer more than enough
training, support, and a leadership structure to help anyone around the
world to earn a substantial income if you do it our way. An income that
would certainly exceed what ever a bureaucrat would think should be a
“Living Wage.” Plus long-term wealth creation happens automatically at
this time for each Member during this part of our development. So,
everyone can make a great living right now while they are getting richer
by the day as the price of TBC appreciates in value.
Market-based coins such as Bitcoin and Ripple could never End Poverty
globally, and that goes for the rest of them too. Tax the Rich and
give to the Poor has never been done well for a large country, and
certainly would be disaster if it was done globally. Besides TBC, is
there anything else out there in the world that is already in the works
of Ending Poverty? No! There isn’t! I’ve looked. TBC is the only
thing in the works today as a global solution. It boils down to one
message: “The truth about Abundance needs to be spread to every Man,
Woman, and Child, worldwide!” Messages are like Brands, everyone in the
whole world could know a brand. Take Coke, for example. Everyone has
heard of it, right? But, not everyone drinks it. We will End Poverty
one way or another when everyone gets that message. People do want
Truth when it personally benefits them. We don’t need everyone to
believe in this Truth. Poverty will come to an abrupt end once everyone
has received the message. To sweeten that message, TBC is not only
offering a gift, we offer mind-blowing rewards. It’s way easier to give
than it is to sell something. The Kringle Cash gift opens the door to
get that message out there and our introductory video presents all the
evidence needed about the truth of Abundance:
The Cookie Rewards drive those that received the gift to buy at least
$100 of TBC from a Trusted Seller. If you follow our system you can’t
help but make alot of money. We offer 3 ways to get out of poverty to
the Poor: 1) Become a TBC Billionaire 2) Become a TBC Millionaire 3)
Get a job working for one of the TBC Billionaires or Millionaires.
Money is not the issue, we made plenty of it to go around. Out of
almost 3 Million Members today, 1 Million of them will become the TBC
Billionaires. That’s the benefit of being an early adopter. The rest
of all of our Members will become TBC Millionaires. The Cookie Rewards
are AMAZING! I’m not worried about the people that don’t believe in
TBC, we have plenty that do believe, right NOW! Everyone has a number
that will kick in their belief in TBC, the closer we get to 1 Billion
members the more you will see non-believers converting over to become
believers. This is why the social proof videos are so important. We
are battling within the realm of beliefs. So, be sure to support the
whole community by doing regular video testimonials.
Technological advancement has opened a window for us, and the Elite
have developed a way to close that window through technology too. So,
we are in a race against them, and time is not on our side. Innovation
has brought us the means to create MONEY. For hundreds of years the
Elite have had a monopoly on the creation of MONEY. Then Bitcoin
happened, and that window was opened for us. But, Bitcoin has lost its
way from its’ libertarian roots and has become more of a highly
speculative commodity. The long list of Alt-coins that followed have
also been caged in the same way. Only TBC, has set itself apart from
all the rest by putting the focus on people, and not the silly games
that are played on the Market. We are not bound by the rules of those
silly games, we are bound by fundamental principles instead. Here are
the two main principles: What is MONEY? The simplest answer to that
question is MONEY is an AGREEMENT. The other principle is: What gives
MONEY Value? The best answer is, people are more valuable than gold,
and that is why TBC is Membership-based! YOU give TBC value, each and
everyone of you by collective AGREEMENT!
Listen to this whole heartfelt testimonial from a fellow TBC member:
By what authority did I have to create MONEY? The Answer: By the
exact same authority Bitcoin had when its UNKNOWN creator made it.
Ripple ended up with a Known creator and adheres to the Status Quo.
Ripple is deeply regulated from its inception until now, and its creator
owns most of the 100,000,000,000 coins. That’s a hundred billion
coins, guys! TBC is only 1 billion coins. I scratch my head when I
look at my trolls compared to his trolls. I seem to have more trolls.
LOL Well, he has been around longer. Some would say, he built the coin
“the right way.” Some people bow down to the Elite and support the
Status Quo. If you support the Status Quo, you are definitely not in
the race to End Poverty. You just accept the idea of poverty never
going away. Look at the title of this article. TBC is in a Race to End
Poverty, before the technology we seem to love so much enslaves all of
humanity and the Elite win and will have unlimited power to crush
dissent. In a way, I am grateful to have some trolls, a world without
dissent would be an awful world to live in. I just want to quiet them
down a bit, so they don’t slow us down too much that we end up losing
the race to End Poverty. I really don’t know how much time we have
left. Do you?
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