I’d like to thank Karri Bangert Vialpando aka The Whitefish Lady for
this video tutorial on how to use your Send button. We are in the
process of turning ON hundreds Send buttons a day for those that
completed a video Testimonial and that their past transaction history
appears to be clear of any discounting activities. Yes, we are vetting
all of the Members that more or less are requesting that we turn ON
their Send buttons by doing a video Testimonial demonstrating that they
are actively promoting TBC now. Support has plenty to do already
without risking turning ON a Send button for those that apparently have
discounted TBC in the past, and most likely would continue to discount
once their Send buttons got turned back ON. By vetting their past
activity support saves the time it would take to turn OFF their Send
buttons again. We simply can not turn ON everyone’s Send button today
because we really don’t know what the current coin network can handle at
this time. Once we are ready to migrate over to the new coin network
we will require everyone to get a passing grade on a test of knowledge
about TBC and their wallet before we will turn ON their Send buttons. A
number of questions on that test will address the seriousness of
discounting TBC and a passing grade on the test will also equal
forgiveness of what may appear to be past discounting activities. Of
course we will have the same feature of turning ON and OFF a Send button
built into the New Coin Network just as we have that ability now with
the current coin network. So, for goodness sake, if we turn your Send
We are also making a list of all the people on Facebook and other
social media of those that are actively attempting to discredit TBC and
its’ Admin by publicly raising doubts about us. The current coin
network is a bit fragile and abusive use of a Send button could create
problems for everyone that is honestly trying to do transactions using
their Send buttons. These Members will also be vetted out from getting a
Send button on the current coin network, and likewise will have to pass
that test which will also address the harm that public negativity
causes to our TBC community before they will also be forgiven and given
another chance on the New Coin Network to remain in good standing with
the TBC community. I think that is fair because if you paid your $10
fee then you will clearly be given the opportunity to have your Send
button turned ON, at some point. The test will practically be an open
book test, so don’t worry about that. Some may feel that I’m trying to
stifle “Free Speech,” but I am not. We simple need to protect ALL of
the purchases people have made in TBC, in good faith, from those that
are careless with their words in public. Unlike Bitcoin and other
crypto-currencies that establish their value on the Market, TBC has
based its’ value on Membership growth with the upfront intent to grow to
a Billion Members quickly before the Elite even know we exist, so that
we can complete our mission to End Poverty globally. We know that there
will be some outsiders that will attempt to do us harm, we simply won’t
allow insiders to bring harm to the rest of us. The truth is as I have
stated in a number of articles on this blog that we are gathering the
required strength in numbers to save all of our lives from the Elite who
have plans to kill off 90% of the world population with their
depopulation plans. We just can’t afford the time under the current
Geo-political circumstances we find ourselves in today to have an open
public debate of every little thing that goes on here in the TBC
community. Raising public doubts and discord as insiders of TBC is
simply not going to be tolerated in the long run. All issues can be
resolved privately within our TBC community and that is why we are
building a strong leadership team for all of you. Nobody has forced
anyone to join TBC and our disclaimer is directly connected to your TBC
wallets. The test will insure that ignorance will not be a real excuse
that Members can use to cover their bad behavior. So, for now, we are
making a list and vetting everyone that wants a Send button immediately.
When we do turn ON your Send button, Support will email YOU at the
same time with a guideline on how to properly use your Send button on
the current coin network. It’s very important that you study that
guideline and adhere to every aspect of it. Especially the part that
addresses how much time you need to wait between doing transactions.
Recently, we had to admonish some of the original 111 that got their
Send buttons turned ON first, because some of them were not even waiting
a full 1 minute between doing transactions. Rapid fire transactions
such as these could create problems for everyone else that has a Send
button and are actively using it to complete their transactions. The
New Coin Network will be much more resilient in doing back to back
transaction quickly, but the current coin network can not handle such
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