I’d like to thank Karri Bangert Vialpando aka The Whitefish Lady for
this video tutorial on how to use your Send button. We are in the
process of turning ON hundreds Send buttons a day for those that
completed a video Testimonial and that their past transaction history
appears to be clear of any discounting activities. Yes, we are vetting
all of the Members that more or less are requesting that we turn ON
their Send buttons by doing a video Testimonial demonstrating that they
are actively promoting TBC now. Support has plenty to do already
without risking turning ON a Send button for those that apparently have
discounted TBC in the past, and most likely would continue to discount
once their Send buttons got turned back ON. By vetting their past
activity support saves the time it would take to turn OFF their Send
buttons again. We simply can not turn ON everyone’s Send button today
because we really don’t know what the current coin network can handle at
this time. Once we are ready to migrate over to the new coin network
we will require everyone to get a passing grade on a test of knowledge
about TBC and their wallet before we will turn ON their Send buttons. A
number of questions on that test will address the seriousness of
discounting TBC and a passing grade on the test will also equal
forgiveness of what may appear to be past discounting activities. Of
course we will have the same feature of turning ON and OFF a Send button
built into the New Coin Network just as we have that ability now with
the current coin network. So, for goodness sake, if we turn your Send
We are also making a list of all the people on Facebook and other
social media of those that are actively attempting to discredit TBC and
its’ Admin by publicly raising doubts about us. The current coin
network is a bit fragile and abusive use of a Send button could create
problems for everyone that is honestly trying to do transactions using
their Send buttons. These Members will also be vetted out from getting a
Send button on the current coin network, and likewise will have to pass
that test which will also address the harm that public negativity
causes to our TBC community before they will also be forgiven and given
another chance on the New Coin Network to remain in good standing with
the TBC community. I think that is fair because if you paid your $10
fee then you will clearly be given the opportunity to have your Send
button turned ON, at some point. The test will practically be an open
book test, so don’t worry about that. Some may feel that I’m trying to
stifle “Free Speech,” but I am not. We simple need to protect ALL of
the purchases people have made in TBC, in good faith, from those that
are careless with their words in public. Unlike Bitcoin and other
crypto-currencies that establish their value on the Market, TBC has
based its’ value on Membership growth with the upfront intent to grow to
a Billion Members quickly before the Elite even know we exist, so that
we can complete our mission to End Poverty globally. We know that there
will be some outsiders that will attempt to do us harm, we simply won’t
allow insiders to bring harm to the rest of us. The truth is as I have
stated in a number of articles on this blog that we are gathering the
required strength in numbers to save all of our lives from the Elite who
have plans to kill off 90% of the world population with their
depopulation plans. We just can’t afford the time under the current
Geo-political circumstances we find ourselves in today to have an open
public debate of every little thing that goes on here in the TBC
community. Raising public doubts and discord as insiders of TBC is
simply not going to be tolerated in the long run. All issues can be
resolved privately within our TBC community and that is why we are
building a strong leadership team for all of you. Nobody has forced
anyone to join TBC and our disclaimer is directly connected to your TBC
wallets. The test will insure that ignorance will not be a real excuse
that Members can use to cover their bad behavior. So, for now, we are
making a list and vetting everyone that wants a Send button immediately.
When we do turn ON your Send button, Support will email YOU at the
same time with a guideline on how to properly use your Send button on
the current coin network. It’s very important that you study that
guideline and adhere to every aspect of it. Especially the part that
addresses how much time you need to wait between doing transactions.
Recently, we had to admonish some of the original 111 that got their
Send buttons turned ON first, because some of them were not even waiting
a full 1 minute between doing transactions. Rapid fire transactions
such as these could create problems for everyone else that has a Send
button and are actively using it to complete their transactions. The
New Coin Network will be much more resilient in doing back to back
transaction quickly, but the current coin network can not handle such
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
We are in a Race to End Poverty.... THE BILLION COIN CRYPTO
The evidence is undeniable that the current financial structure
breeds more and more inequality and clearly the whole thing is rigged to
greatly benefit the Elite at the expense of everyone else. The article
that is linked above offers some ideas on what it could take to care
for the poor, but those ideas would not empower the poor at all. Do we
really want to breed dependency?
TBC empowers YOU as well as the POOR. Your income in TBC is not determined by a bureaucrat or a BOSS; YOU determine it by results. TBC has provided a system that has proven over and over again that income results are practically predictable. If you deviate from that system at all, it will lessen your income results. We offer more than enough training, support, and a leadership structure to help anyone around the world to earn a substantial income if you do it our way. An income that would certainly exceed what ever a bureaucrat would think should be a “Living Wage.” Plus long-term wealth creation happens automatically at this time for each Member during this part of our development. So, everyone can make a great living right now while they are getting richer by the day as the price of TBC appreciates in value.
Market-based coins such as Bitcoin and Ripple could never End Poverty globally, and that goes for the rest of them too. Tax the Rich and give to the Poor has never been done well for a large country, and certainly would be disaster if it was done globally. Besides TBC, is there anything else out there in the world that is already in the works of Ending Poverty? No! There isn’t! I’ve looked. TBC is the only thing in the works today as a global solution. It boils down to one message: “The truth about Abundance needs to be spread to every Man, Woman, and Child, worldwide!” Messages are like Brands, everyone in the whole world could know a brand. Take Coke, for example. Everyone has heard of it, right? But, not everyone drinks it. We will End Poverty one way or another when everyone gets that message. People do want Truth when it personally benefits them. We don’t need everyone to believe in this Truth. Poverty will come to an abrupt end once everyone has received the message. To sweeten that message, TBC is not only offering a gift, we offer mind-blowing rewards. It’s way easier to give than it is to sell something. The Kringle Cash gift opens the door to get that message out there and our introductory video presents all the evidence needed about the truth of Abundance: https://thebillioncoin.info/tbc_formula.php The Cookie Rewards drive those that received the gift to buy at least $100 of TBC from a Trusted Seller. If you follow our system you can’t help but make alot of money. We offer 3 ways to get out of poverty to the Poor: 1) Become a TBC Billionaire 2) Become a TBC Millionaire 3) Get a job working for one of the TBC Billionaires or Millionaires. Money is not the issue, we made plenty of it to go around. Out of almost 3 Million Members today, 1 Million of them will become the TBC Billionaires. That’s the benefit of being an early adopter. The rest of all of our Members will become TBC Millionaires. The Cookie Rewards are AMAZING! I’m not worried about the people that don’t believe in TBC, we have plenty that do believe, right NOW! Everyone has a number that will kick in their belief in TBC, the closer we get to 1 Billion members the more you will see non-believers converting over to become believers. This is why the social proof videos are so important. We are battling within the realm of beliefs. So, be sure to support the whole community by doing regular video testimonials.
Technological advancement has opened a window for us, and the Elite have developed a way to close that window through technology too. So, we are in a race against them, and time is not on our side. Innovation has brought us the means to create MONEY. For hundreds of years the Elite have had a monopoly on the creation of MONEY. Then Bitcoin happened, and that window was opened for us. But, Bitcoin has lost its way from its’ libertarian roots and has become more of a highly speculative commodity. The long list of Alt-coins that followed have also been caged in the same way. Only TBC, has set itself apart from all the rest by putting the focus on people, and not the silly games that are played on the Market. We are not bound by the rules of those silly games, we are bound by fundamental principles instead. Here are the two main principles: What is MONEY? The simplest answer to that question is MONEY is an AGREEMENT. The other principle is: What gives MONEY Value? The best answer is, people are more valuable than gold, and that is why TBC is Membership-based! YOU give TBC value, each and everyone of you by collective AGREEMENT!
Listen to this whole heartfelt testimonial from a fellow TBC member:
By what authority did I have to create MONEY? The Answer: By the exact same authority Bitcoin had when its UNKNOWN creator made it. Ripple ended up with a Known creator and adheres to the Status Quo. Ripple is deeply regulated from its inception until now, and its creator owns most of the 100,000,000,000 coins. That’s a hundred billion coins, guys! TBC is only 1 billion coins. I scratch my head when I look at my trolls compared to his trolls. I seem to have more trolls. LOL Well, he has been around longer. Some would say, he built the coin “the right way.” Some people bow down to the Elite and support the Status Quo. If you support the Status Quo, you are definitely not in the race to End Poverty. You just accept the idea of poverty never going away. Look at the title of this article. TBC is in a Race to End Poverty, before the technology we seem to love so much enslaves all of humanity and the Elite win and will have unlimited power to crush dissent. In a way, I am grateful to have some trolls, a world without dissent would be an awful world to live in. I just want to quiet them down a bit, so they don’t slow us down too much that we end up losing the race to End Poverty. I really don’t know how much time we have left. Do you?
TBC empowers YOU as well as the POOR. Your income in TBC is not determined by a bureaucrat or a BOSS; YOU determine it by results. TBC has provided a system that has proven over and over again that income results are practically predictable. If you deviate from that system at all, it will lessen your income results. We offer more than enough training, support, and a leadership structure to help anyone around the world to earn a substantial income if you do it our way. An income that would certainly exceed what ever a bureaucrat would think should be a “Living Wage.” Plus long-term wealth creation happens automatically at this time for each Member during this part of our development. So, everyone can make a great living right now while they are getting richer by the day as the price of TBC appreciates in value.
Market-based coins such as Bitcoin and Ripple could never End Poverty globally, and that goes for the rest of them too. Tax the Rich and give to the Poor has never been done well for a large country, and certainly would be disaster if it was done globally. Besides TBC, is there anything else out there in the world that is already in the works of Ending Poverty? No! There isn’t! I’ve looked. TBC is the only thing in the works today as a global solution. It boils down to one message: “The truth about Abundance needs to be spread to every Man, Woman, and Child, worldwide!” Messages are like Brands, everyone in the whole world could know a brand. Take Coke, for example. Everyone has heard of it, right? But, not everyone drinks it. We will End Poverty one way or another when everyone gets that message. People do want Truth when it personally benefits them. We don’t need everyone to believe in this Truth. Poverty will come to an abrupt end once everyone has received the message. To sweeten that message, TBC is not only offering a gift, we offer mind-blowing rewards. It’s way easier to give than it is to sell something. The Kringle Cash gift opens the door to get that message out there and our introductory video presents all the evidence needed about the truth of Abundance: https://thebillioncoin.info/tbc_formula.php The Cookie Rewards drive those that received the gift to buy at least $100 of TBC from a Trusted Seller. If you follow our system you can’t help but make alot of money. We offer 3 ways to get out of poverty to the Poor: 1) Become a TBC Billionaire 2) Become a TBC Millionaire 3) Get a job working for one of the TBC Billionaires or Millionaires. Money is not the issue, we made plenty of it to go around. Out of almost 3 Million Members today, 1 Million of them will become the TBC Billionaires. That’s the benefit of being an early adopter. The rest of all of our Members will become TBC Millionaires. The Cookie Rewards are AMAZING! I’m not worried about the people that don’t believe in TBC, we have plenty that do believe, right NOW! Everyone has a number that will kick in their belief in TBC, the closer we get to 1 Billion members the more you will see non-believers converting over to become believers. This is why the social proof videos are so important. We are battling within the realm of beliefs. So, be sure to support the whole community by doing regular video testimonials.
Technological advancement has opened a window for us, and the Elite have developed a way to close that window through technology too. So, we are in a race against them, and time is not on our side. Innovation has brought us the means to create MONEY. For hundreds of years the Elite have had a monopoly on the creation of MONEY. Then Bitcoin happened, and that window was opened for us. But, Bitcoin has lost its way from its’ libertarian roots and has become more of a highly speculative commodity. The long list of Alt-coins that followed have also been caged in the same way. Only TBC, has set itself apart from all the rest by putting the focus on people, and not the silly games that are played on the Market. We are not bound by the rules of those silly games, we are bound by fundamental principles instead. Here are the two main principles: What is MONEY? The simplest answer to that question is MONEY is an AGREEMENT. The other principle is: What gives MONEY Value? The best answer is, people are more valuable than gold, and that is why TBC is Membership-based! YOU give TBC value, each and everyone of you by collective AGREEMENT!
Listen to this whole heartfelt testimonial from a fellow TBC member:
By what authority did I have to create MONEY? The Answer: By the exact same authority Bitcoin had when its UNKNOWN creator made it. Ripple ended up with a Known creator and adheres to the Status Quo. Ripple is deeply regulated from its inception until now, and its creator owns most of the 100,000,000,000 coins. That’s a hundred billion coins, guys! TBC is only 1 billion coins. I scratch my head when I look at my trolls compared to his trolls. I seem to have more trolls. LOL Well, he has been around longer. Some would say, he built the coin “the right way.” Some people bow down to the Elite and support the Status Quo. If you support the Status Quo, you are definitely not in the race to End Poverty. You just accept the idea of poverty never going away. Look at the title of this article. TBC is in a Race to End Poverty, before the technology we seem to love so much enslaves all of humanity and the Elite win and will have unlimited power to crush dissent. In a way, I am grateful to have some trolls, a world without dissent would be an awful world to live in. I just want to quiet them down a bit, so they don’t slow us down too much that we end up losing the race to End Poverty. I really don’t know how much time we have left. Do you?
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
NEW Deals on Apple and Samsung Smartphone Deals.
NEW Deals on Apple and Samsung Smartphone Deals. Prices in NGR Naira.
Samsung Smartphone Price List (Nigeria Warranty)
Galaxy J1 mini Prime - 25,000
Galaxy J3 - 39,000
Galaxy J5 - 51,500
Galaxy J7 neo - 65,000
Galaxy J7 neo - with Promo 69,000
Galaxy J5 prime - 65,000
Galaxy J7 prime - 84,000
Galaxy J7 Pro - 104,000
Galaxy S8 - 235,000
Galaxy S8 with promo - 255,000
Galaxy S8+ - 263,000
Galaxy S8+ with promo - 285,000
Galaxy Tab E - 64,000
Galaxy Tab A7.0 - 52,000
Galaxy Tab S3 - 215,000
Galaxy Tab A 10.1 - 104,000
Galaxy Tab A with pen - 120,000
Galaxy Gear S3 - 119,000
Galaxy Note 8 295,000
Galaxy Note 8 with promo j3 - 320,000
Galaxy J2 - 37,500
NOTE: Cheaper Deals Avaialble for International Warranty Samsung Smartphones .
Galaxy A3 2016 - 85,000
Galaxy J3 Pro - 62,000
Galaxy A5 2017 - 111,000
Galaxy A3 2017 - 89,000
Galaxy C5 - 86,000
Galaxy C5 Pro - 98,500
Galaxy C7 Pro - 116,000
Galaxy J5 Prime - 63,000
Galaxy S6 - 100,000
Galaxy S6 Duos - 110,000
Galaxy S6 Edge - 135,000
Galaxy S6 Edge Plus - 155,000
Galaxy S7 - 145,000
Galaxy S7 Edge - 160,000
Galaxy Note 5 - 160,000
NEW Apple Smartphones -
iPhone 5S 16GB - 86,000
iPhone 5S 32GB - 96,000
iPhone 5S 64GB - 108,000
iPhone 6 16GB - 110,000
iPhone 6 64GB - 130,000
iPhone 6 128GB - 150,000
iPhone 6S 16GB - 145,000
iPhone 6S 32GB - 155,000
iPhone 6S 64GB - 170,000
iPhone 6S 128GB - 180,000
iPhone 6S Plus 16GB - 170,000
iPhone 6S Plus 64GB - 195,000
iPhone 6S Plus 128GB - 210,000
iPhone 7 32GB - 215,000
iPhone 7 128GB - 235,000
iPhone 7 256GB - 250,000
iPhone SE 16GB - 118,000
iPhone SE 32GB - 135,000
iPhone SE 64GB - 145,000
iPhone 7 Plus 32GB - 265,000
iPhone 7 Plus 128GB - 290,000
iPhone 7 Plus 256GB - 300,000
iPhone 7 Plus Red 128GB - 300,000
iPhone 7 Plus Red 256GB - 310,000
iPhone 8 64GB - 265,000
iPhone 8 256GB - 290,000
iPhone 8 Plus 64GB - 300,000
iPhone 8 Plus 256GB - 330,000
iPhone X 64GB - 420,000
iPhone X 256GB - 450,000
VISIT OUR STORE : 13 Ola-Ayeni Street Zee Plaza first floor same complex with 3c Hub - 4 Building After Stanbic IBTC Bank. 09021609162 / 09075482831 / 08087539599
PICK UP OFFICE - 26A Bisola Durosinmi Etti Drive off Admiralty Way Lekki Phase 1, Same Complex with A1 Supermarket
09021609165 / 09075482826
Samsung Smartphone Price List (Nigeria Warranty)
Galaxy J1 mini Prime - 25,000
Galaxy J3 - 39,000
Galaxy J5 - 51,500
Galaxy J7 neo - 65,000
Galaxy J7 neo - with Promo 69,000
Galaxy J5 prime - 65,000
Galaxy J7 prime - 84,000
Galaxy J7 Pro - 104,000
Galaxy S8 - 235,000
Galaxy S8 with promo - 255,000
Galaxy S8+ - 263,000
Galaxy S8+ with promo - 285,000
Galaxy Tab E - 64,000
Galaxy Tab A7.0 - 52,000
Galaxy Tab S3 - 215,000
Galaxy Tab A 10.1 - 104,000
Galaxy Tab A with pen - 120,000
Galaxy Gear S3 - 119,000
Galaxy Note 8 295,000
Galaxy Note 8 with promo j3 - 320,000
Galaxy J2 - 37,500
NOTE: Cheaper Deals Avaialble for International Warranty Samsung Smartphones .
Galaxy A3 2016 - 85,000
Galaxy J3 Pro - 62,000
Galaxy A5 2017 - 111,000
Galaxy A3 2017 - 89,000
Galaxy C5 - 86,000
Galaxy C5 Pro - 98,500
Galaxy C7 Pro - 116,000
Galaxy J5 Prime - 63,000
Galaxy S6 - 100,000
Galaxy S6 Duos - 110,000
Galaxy S6 Edge - 135,000
Galaxy S6 Edge Plus - 155,000
Galaxy S7 - 145,000
Galaxy S7 Edge - 160,000
Galaxy Note 5 - 160,000
NEW Apple Smartphones -
iPhone 5S 16GB - 86,000
iPhone 5S 32GB - 96,000
iPhone 5S 64GB - 108,000
iPhone 6 16GB - 110,000
iPhone 6 64GB - 130,000
iPhone 6 128GB - 150,000
iPhone 6S 16GB - 145,000
iPhone 6S 32GB - 155,000
iPhone 6S 64GB - 170,000
iPhone 6S 128GB - 180,000
iPhone 6S Plus 16GB - 170,000
iPhone 6S Plus 64GB - 195,000
iPhone 6S Plus 128GB - 210,000
iPhone 7 32GB - 215,000
iPhone 7 128GB - 235,000
iPhone 7 256GB - 250,000
iPhone SE 16GB - 118,000
iPhone SE 32GB - 135,000
iPhone SE 64GB - 145,000
iPhone 7 Plus 32GB - 265,000
iPhone 7 Plus 128GB - 290,000
iPhone 7 Plus 256GB - 300,000
iPhone 7 Plus Red 128GB - 300,000
iPhone 7 Plus Red 256GB - 310,000
iPhone 8 64GB - 265,000
iPhone 8 256GB - 290,000
iPhone 8 Plus 64GB - 300,000
iPhone 8 Plus 256GB - 330,000
iPhone X 64GB - 420,000
iPhone X 256GB - 450,000
VISIT OUR STORE : 13 Ola-Ayeni Street Zee Plaza first floor same complex with 3c Hub - 4 Building After Stanbic IBTC Bank. 09021609162 / 09075482831 / 08087539599
PICK UP OFFICE - 26A Bisola Durosinmi Etti Drive off Admiralty Way Lekki Phase 1, Same Complex with A1 Supermarket
09021609165 / 09075482826
Thursday, 11 January 2018
Looking for a grade a car this year? Toyota Camry 2018 is the best camry yet.
Camry 2018 Exterior Design
XSE and SE models push the limits of
Camry’s evocative new look with unique catamaran-inspired accents and a black
sport mesh grille.
Sporty Styling
Camry’s available leather-trimmed
8-way power-adjustable driver’s and front passenger seats create an intimate,
tactile connection with the road.
Toyota Safety Sense™ P
Peace of mind comes standard with an
active safety package that includes Pre-Collision System 21
with Pedestrian Detection 20 (PCS w/PD), Dynamic Radar Cruise Control
(DRCC) 22
and more to help you drive with confidence.
Indulge your sporty side with
Camry’s breathtaking performance. The light, strong body enhances both handling
and ride quality.
To see more pictures go to https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwihuvb9i9DYAhWQF-wKHTM0AhIQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.motortrend.com%2Fcars%2Ftoyota%2Fcamry%2F2018%2F&psig=AOvVaw0GMGPnQGt00LBa6GCoLfqM&ust=1515766305833988
Safety Rating:
2018 Toyota Camry Received the NHTSA
5-Star Overall Safety Rating 16

New ICO. 1000 tokens for free registration
Hi guys
Happy New Year!
I trust You had an amazing Holiday.
There's this ICO project I'm researching, they want to launch a Commission-Free Futures Exchange, it looks like a good project, especially as people love free things.
The most interesting aspect of it for now is that they are giving away 1000 tokens for free registration and another 1000 tokens for every friend of yours who registers for free.
So it's a good way to accumulate some tokens pending when we do a more robust research on the project.
Here is the link to get your free token https://vrlps.co/a?pt=24egHeF-mYgN9sCzFHAbpvZzKrw&referralCode=HJdC_9Cmf&refSource=copy Happy New Year one more time. I'll see You on Monday
Kind regards...
Peter Enekhu
Happy New Year!
I trust You had an amazing Holiday.
There's this ICO project I'm researching, they want to launch a Commission-Free Futures Exchange, it looks like a good project, especially as people love free things.
The most interesting aspect of it for now is that they are giving away 1000 tokens for free registration and another 1000 tokens for every friend of yours who registers for free.
So it's a good way to accumulate some tokens pending when we do a more robust research on the project.
Here is the link to get your free token https://vrlps.co/a?pt=24egHeF-mYgN9sCzFHAbpvZzKrw&referralCode=HJdC_9Cmf&refSource=copy Happy New Year one more time. I'll see You on Monday
Kind regards...
Peter Enekhu
TBC Update – TBC admin plan 2018
The TBC admin in his recent update stated that there are lots of
exciting things in store for all of us in 2018. Perhaps one of the most
exciting things is the early Cookie Redemption in the whole month of May
2018 starting on May 1st, 2018.
According to the TBC admin,
According to the TBC admin,
We hope to close out the Billionaire section of the matrix by then–1,111,111 spots. Behind the scenes are many teams working on various aspects of TBC.
We have a team working on the bank, and I’m really looking forward to putting a sock in the mouths of the loud mouth naysayers that don’t believe in the bank behind TBC. This is not a small commercial bank we are dealing with, this particular bank is already sitting on enough assets that they could end poverty globally themselves. Yet, this bank operates independent of the Cabal.
The Testers will be able to cash out $500 a week for about a month or so. I hope you understand, that amount monthly to every poor person on Earth would end poverty. But like Bitcoin Randy keeps saying and proving, you can earn that much and more by following the Kringle Cash system today and that is how we will build up our membership base.
We have a team working on the existing coin network and lately it has improved greatly in speed and transaction confirmation. But unfortunately, the current TBC coin software is too riddled with bugs for mass adoption.
We have a completely separate team building the New Coin Network and more reports on it will come out once the holidays pass. I’ve become even more gun shy to suggest a date of when we will migrate, because I’ve been accused of dangling a carrot and moving the goal posts and such; and I only have so much ability to predict things once they complete them.
The earlier the better as far as I’m concerned; looks good that within the 1st quarter of 2018 both the Bank and Migration will happen. I push hard everyday for things to happen sooner than later. We also have a support team dealing with all the support tickets that come in; and they are overworked if you ask me.
The TBC Police team are carrying out various functions to defend the value of our TBC coins. An “Abundance-based” currency is a brand new idea, and it does take time to help people understand what TBC is all about. In the mean time, we have to correct people that are members that fall out of alignment with the concept of an “Abundance-based” currency.
The point is, there are alot of teams working behind the scenes in our behalf to make the concept of an “Abundance-based” currency a reality. Unlike what some may think, these people are NOT paid in TBC/Kringles. TBC is still an emerging currency and is far from being considered liquid to the masses.
It took Bitcoin years as a NEW concept to reach the stage where you see today, that it has become liquid using “Market Exchanges.” 90% of the Coin Market Cap on “Exchanges” are not liquid either due to low volume of trades on those coins. So, these teams working for us all get paid today in some form of liquid money.
That money has come from you–the Members. Every-time one of you our Members pays the $10 fee it contributes to paying the people behind the scenes of TBC. We are doing good, and we can feel good about our collective progress over our 1st 21 months of our existence. Together we are making this idea of an “Abundance-based” currency a reality.
Don’t let our non-liquid currency status today discourage you, (Jimmy–yes, I have read your comment) as a peer to peer currency we have flourished from the day we launched. Marketing our peer to peer currency couldn’t be easier if you follow our Kringle Cash system, with or without a Send button. I personally am envious of you the regular members.
If I was just a regular member without a Send button, I would make at least 10 times more following the Kringle Cash marketing system than what I get from the leftovers of the $10 payments after the bills are paid. We do have a cash reserve and cash flow is OK to keep on paying the bills to run TBC. Even with a bank, it will take TBC a year or two from now to go mainstream and become a liquid currency.
We have many obstacles ahead of us, and we will have to overcome all of them, in order for us to reach the status of a liquid currency. May gratitude fill our hearts and not judgement, because we need each other in order to make this a better world. I sincerely appreciate every effort made by each and every one of you to lift up TBC, especially the efforts of the Leaders within TBC–without YOU, I would have already failed.
It’s not easy to convince anyone to become a leader, because leaders get most of the rocks thrown at them. So, THANK YOU very much. Stay strong, and let’s find a way to unite even more so. TBC was just an idea, but is now also a plan, and later it will become the fuel each of us can use to get to any destination we desire. Be happy, keep up the effort, and let’s rejoice together at each and every achievement we accomplish both as individuals as well as collectively.
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