Wednesday 11 October 2017


TBC certainly has a damn Good Purpose.
A Purpose to End World Poverty, Starvation, Homelessness in FACT the ongoing Havoc and Destruction that surrounds OUR daily lives
THIS is the sole purpose many of OUR members joined in the TBC community. It grabbed Our attentions and Passions as WE too believe OUR World requires change!
TBC people is not about the money it is about the Sole Mission of making a change to our world. A Mission 100's and thousands in Fact millions of us have been waiting for...and its here! :)
Too good to be true...absolutely! Many of us have felt this emotion when we first learnt about TBC...the fact is, it is TRUE and it is up to ALL of us to make this happen!
We are blessed Our TBC Creator has put words into actions and has been working on his Brilliant Selfless Mission!
He has faith, many of us have and share his faith too!
Remember People .. 'Rome wasn't Built in a Day'!!!
This also applies for our TBC community...its not going to happen over night!
Yes many of us are anxious and impatient...Excited!!!...I know I am!!!
Many members still remain unaware what TBC is actually about.
Many have also come on board thinking this is a get rich quick is not!!!
TBC is patience, uniting, coming together and working as a TEAM...we are not put on this planet for division...that was not our creators plan...we were put here to Love Nurture and Care for each other...not to do what the Greedy evil 1% are doing!...
As TBC members we are all here to flip this pyramid once and for all!
Our lives ahead, our journey is just have patience People this will happen and it is happening, we have grown over a million members World wide approaching two million and some Beautiful friendships too...we are getting stronger everyday thats all that matters!
Share the true meaning to your family and friends, ask them are they happy with our world? ...ask them what their wishes are for change??
Help them understand WE are making a difference and they too can be apart of Our growing community as well...
<3 A Global Community all welcome to be a Blessing of with
arms wide open <3
Wanting to be a part of Our Global Change?
Please click on the link here: for your FREE membership registration, follow all instructions.
You will also be blessed with an awesome $$$ Gift courteously from our TBC admin team

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