TBC certainly has a damn Good Purpose.
A Purpose to End World
Poverty, Starvation, Homelessness in FACT the ongoing Havoc and
Destruction that surrounds OUR daily lives
THIS is the sole
purpose many of OUR members joined in the TBC community. It grabbed Our
attentions and Passions as WE too believe OUR World requires change!
TBC people is not about the money it is about the Sole Mission of
making a change to our world. A Mission 100's and thousands in Fact
millions of us have been waiting for...and its here! :)
Too good to be true...absolutely! Many of us have felt this emotion
when we first learnt about TBC...the fact is, it is TRUE and it is up to
ALL of us to make this happen!
We are blessed Our TBC Creator has put words into actions and has been working on his Brilliant Selfless Mission!
He has faith, many of us have and share his faith too!
Remember People .. 'Rome wasn't Built in a Day'!!!
This also applies for our TBC community...its not going to happen over night!
Yes many of us are anxious and impatient...Excited!!!...I know I am!!!
Many members still remain unaware what TBC is actually about.
Many have also come on board thinking this is a get rich quick scheme.....it is not!!!
TBC is patience, uniting, coming together and working as a TEAM...we
are not put on this planet for division...that was not our creators
plan...we were put here to Love Nurture and Care for each other...not to
do what the Greedy evil 1% are doing!...
As TBC members we are all here to flip this pyramid once and for all!
Our lives ahead, our journey is just beginning...so have patience
People this will happen and it is happening, we have grown over a
million members World wide approaching two million and some Beautiful friendships too...we are
getting stronger everyday thats all that matters!
Share the true
meaning to your family and friends, ask them are they happy with our
world? ...ask them what their wishes are for change??
Help them understand WE are making a difference and they too can be apart of Our growing community as well... <3 A Global Community all welcome to be a Blessing of with
arms wide open <3
Wanting to be a part of Our Global Change?
Please click on the link here: https://kringle.cash/?link=ehi123 for your FREE membership registration, follow all instructions.
You will also be blessed with an awesome $$$ Gift courteously from our TBC admin team
There’s one incredible feature of cryptocurrencies that almost everyone seems to have missed, including Satoshi himself.
But it’s there, hidden away, steadily gathering power like a hurricane far out to sea that’s sweeping towards the shore.
It’s a stealth feature, one that hasn’t activated yet.
But when it does it will ripple across the entire world, remaking every aspect of society.
To understand why, you just have to understand a little about the history of money.
The Ascent of Money
Money is power.
knew this better than the kings of the ancient world. That’s why they
gave themselves an absolute monopoly on minting moolah.
turned shiny metal into coins, paid their soldiers and their soldiers
bought things at local stores. The king then sent their soldiers to the
merchants with a simple message:
“Pay your taxes in this coin or we’ll kill you.”
almost the entire history of money in one paragraph. Coercion and
control of the supply with violence, aka the “violence hack.” The one
hack to rule them all.
power passed from monarchs to nation-states, distributing power from
one strongman to a small group of strongmen, the power to print money
passed to the state. Anyone who tried to create their own money got
The reason is simple:
enemies are easy to destroy with a “decapitation attack.” Cut off the
head of the snake and that’s the end of anyone who would dare challenge
the power of the state and its divine right to create coins.
That’s what happened to e-gold
in 2008, one of the first attempts to create an alternative currency.
Launched in 1996, by 2004 it had over a million accounts and at its peak
in 2008 it was processing over $2 billion dollars worth of
US government attacked the four leaders of the system, bringing charges
against them for money laundering and running an “unlicensed money
transmitting” business in the case “UNITED STATES of America v. E-GOLD, LTD, et al.”
It destroyed the company by bankrupting the founders. Even with light
sentences for the ring leaders, it was game over. Although the
government didn’t technically shut down e-gold, practically it was
finished. “Unlicensed” is the key word in their attack.
The power to grant a license is monopoly power.
E-gold was free to apply for interstate money transmitting licenses.
It’s just they were never going to get them.
And of course that put them out of business. It’s a living, breathing Catch-22. And it works every time.
Kings and nation states know the real golden rule:
Control the money and you control the world.
And so it’s gone for thousands and thousands of years. The very first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang
(260–210 BC), abolished all other forms of local currency and
introduced a uniform copper coin. That’s been the blueprint ever since.
Eradicate alternative coins, create one coin to rule them all and use
brutality and blood to keep that power at all costs.
In the end, every system is vulnerable to violence.
Well, almost every one.
The Hydra
decentralized systems, there is no head of the snake. Decentralized
systems are a hydra. Cut off one head and two more pop-in to take its
In 2008, an anonymous programmer, working in secret, figured out the solution to the violence hack once and for all when he wrote:
“Governments are good at cutting off the heads of centrally controlled
networks like Napster, but pure P2P networks like Gnutella and Tor seem
to be holding their own.”
And the first decentralized system of money was born:
It was explicitly designed to resist coercion and control by centralized powers.
wisely remained anonymous for that very reason. He knew they would come
after him because he was the symbolic head of Bitcoin.
what’s happened every time someone has come forward claiming to be
Satoshi or when someone has been “outed” by the news media as Bitcoin’s
mysterious creator. When fake Satoshi Craig Wright came out, Australian
authorities immediately raided his house. The official reason is always spurious. The real reason is to cut off the head of the snake.
Bitcoin rises in value, the hunt for Satoshi will only intensify. He
controls at least a million coins that have never moved from his
original wallets. If VC Chris Dixon is right and Bitcoin rocket to $100,000 a coin,
those million coins will shoot up to $100 billion. If it goes even
higher, say a $1 million a coin, that would make him the world’s first
trillionaire. And that will only bring the hammer down harder and faster
on him. You can be 100% sure that black ops units would be gunning for
him around the clock.
Wherever he is, my advice to Satoshi is this:
Stay anonymous until your death bed.
resistance to censorship and violence are only one of a number of
incredible features of Bitcoin. Many of those key components are already
at work in a number of other cryptocurrencies and decentralized app
projects, most notably blockchains.
are distributed ledgers, the third entry in the world’s first
triple-entry accounting system. And breakthroughs in accounting have
always presaged a massive uptick in human complexity and economic
growth, as I laid out in my article Why Everyone Missed the Most Important Invention in the Last 500 Years.
even triple-entry accounting, decentralization and resistance to the
violence hack are not the true power of cryptocurrencies. Those are
merely the mechanisms of the system, the way it survives and thrives,
bringing new capabilities to the human race.
The ultimate feature is one that Bitcoin and current cryptocurrencies have only hinted at so far, a latent feature.
The true power of cryptocurrencies is the power to print and distribute money without a central power.
Maybe that seems obvious, but I assure you, it’s not. Especially the second part.
That power has always rested with the divine right of kings and nation-states.
Until now.
Now that right returns to its rightful owners: The people.
And that will blow open the doors of world commerce, sowing the seeds for Star Trek like abundance economics, leaving the Old World Order of pure scarcity economics in the pages of history books.
There’s just one problem.
Nobody has created the cryptocurrency we actually need just yet.
You see, Satoshi understood the first part of the maxim, the power to print money. What he missed was the power to distribute that money.
second part is actually the most crucial part of the puzzle. Missing it
created a critical flaw in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Instead of
distributing the money far and wide, it traded central bankers for an
un-elected group of miners.
What if you could design a system that would completely alter the economic landscape of the world forever?
The key is how you distribute the money at the moment of creation.
And the first group to recognizethis opportunityand put it into action will change the world.
To understand why you have to look at how money is created and pushed out into the system today.
The Great Pyramid
Today, money starts at the top and flows down to everyone else. Think of it as a pyramid.
In fact, we have a famous pyramid, with a third eye, on the dollar itself.
One of the most cliched arguments against Bitcoin is that it’s a Ponzi or “pyramid” scheme.
A pyramid scheme rests on the original creators of the system roping in
as many suckers as possible, paying them for enrolling people in the
system rather than by offering goods and services. Eventually you run
out of people to bring in and the whole things collapses like a house of
cards. A Ponzi scheme is basically the same, in that you dupe the
original investors with fake returns on their initial investment, a la
Bernie Madoff, and then get them to rope in more suckers because they’re
so elated by the huge returns.
irony of course is that fiat currency, i.e. government printed money
like the Yen or US dollar, is closer to a pyramid scheme than Bitcoin.
Why? Because fiat money is minted at the top of the pyramid by central
banks and then “trickled down” to everyone else.
The only problem is, it doesn’t trickle down all that well.
moves out to a few big banks, who either lend it to people or give it
to people for their labor. In fact, having a job or getting a loan are
the primary methods that people at the bottom of the pyramid get any of
the money. In other words, they trade their current time (with a job) or
their future time (with a loan) for that money. It’s just that their
time is a limited resource and they can only trade so much of it before
it runs out.
of economics as a game. Everyone in the system is a player, looking to
maximize their advantage and the advantage of their team (a company,
their family and friends, etc.) to get more of the money. But to start
the game you need to initially distribute the money or nobody can play. Distributing money sets the playing field.
if you were in charge of the money, how would you distribute it to the
network? You’d want to keep as much of it for yourself as possible, so
you’d set the rules to maximize your own personal advantage. Of course
you would! That’s what anyone in their right mind would do, maximize
their own power to keep it for as long as possible.
That’s precisely what the kings and queens of the ancient world did, and that’s what nation states do today. As Naval Ravikant said in his epic series of tweets on blockchain,
today’s networks are run by “kings, corporations, aristocracies, and
mobs.” “And the Rulers of these networks [are] the most powerful people
in society.”
That’s why every single system in the history of the world has distributed the money in one way:
From the top down.
Because it maximizes the advantage of the kings and mobs at the top.
that means most of the money never really leaves the top. It stays
right there, as wasted and frozen potential that’s never realized. There
is little to no incentive for the money to move. Since money is power,
hoarding it is literally hoarding more power and nobody would willingly
give up that power.
In other words, the game is rigged.
What we need is a way to reset the game.
Up until now, our prospects looked very dim.
For example, we could pass a law, like a Universal Basic Income (UBI).
That would give everyone a stream of money, pushing it out across the
entire playing field and giving more people a chance to participate in
the system. If more people can participate, we unlock all kinds of
hidden and untapped value.
many great inventors never managed to create their next breakthrough
because they were stuck driving a bus seven days a week to feed their
family, with no hope of free time or any clear path to digging
themselves out of debt? How many great writers went to their graves
never having written their great novel? How many budding scientists
never discovered the cure to cancer or heart disease?
problem with all of the plans before now, from UBI to socialism (high
taxes on the rich to spread the wealth across the game) is that to redistribute the money after it’s already been distributed is nearly impossible.
The people with that money rightfully resist its redistribution. And as
Margret Thatcher said “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually
you run out of other people’s money.”
But what if the money is NOT already distributed?
What if we don’t have to take it from anyone at all?
The inevitable outcome of all fractional reserve lending booms is bust.
the missed opportunity of all of today’s cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies are creating new money. And unlike credit markets,
which only pretend to expand the money supply, by lending it out 10x
with fractional reserve lending,
cryptocurrencies are literally printing money. And they aren’t loaning
it to people, they’re giving it to them for their service to the
Miners are drafted randomly
to keep the network running smoothly. You might be walking along,
getting coffee and your phone gets called on to secure the network for a
few minutes. After that it goes right back to sleep. As a reward, you
might win new coins for doing nothing but having the application on your
phone. Simple right?
Because everyone is eventually drafted, everyone gets paid, in essence creating a UBI right now.
And that’s just one way.
you think about it you can come up with dozens. Oh and don’t get caught
up with thinking the only way to do this is with an ID. Lots of ways to
randomly draft miners without that too. The key is to free your mind of
the “Satoshi box” and think different.
What we really need is to completely gamify the delivery of money, distributing it far and wide at the moment of creation.
Money is a Game. Embrace it.
it out as rewards for using apps, or as distributed mining fees, or as
shared cuts of the mining fees to organizations that provide value to
the network are just a few more ways to do it right. Those are just the
tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of ways but we just haven’t been
thinking about the problem the right way.
In other words, we missed the real power of Satoshi’s creation: the distribution of money.
The first system that truly gamifies the delivery of money will rocket to exponential growth, upending the current system for good. That will set the initial playing field dynamically
and allow players who never would have gotten into the game to compete.
The more people who can participate, the more efficient and valuable
the network becomes.
now, we’re not adding new participants fast enough to the cryptonets of
tomorrow. The system is still vulnerable to the violence hack. Gamified
money is the answer to exponential growth.
the system can grow large enough, fast enough, it will become an
unstoppable juggernaut, and the rest of the economic universe will need
to come over to the new playing field.
the Amazons and Google’s of the world join the playing field, their
self-preservation instinct will kick in and they’ll want to protect and
expand it. And this new network will behave differently. Instead of
rewarding just the people at the top, who’ve been rigging the rules in
their favor since the beginning of time, the game will completely reset
with a new set of rules.
What’s best for the whole network, not just the few players at the top, is best.
that join the network and help it grow will thrive and flourish with
it. It will amplify their own value, making it grow faster than at any
point in history. Every ounce they give to the system will magnify their
own rewards.
c0ntrast, economies that stand against the network, attempting to
cripple it with arbitrary rules, will pay a heavy price. The system will
stretch across the globe and only the most essential rules will take
root, because in order to upgrade a distributed system, you need vast
consensus across the network. Since people can generally only agree on
big, essential solutions, no self-defeating, narrow-minded rules will be
say that a country decides to restrict ICOs to their citizens
altogether or make cryptocurrencies illegal. Instead of killing the
network, the rules will blow back on their creators. Only their own
people will suffer, as they won’t be able to participate in the
explosion of new potential that ICOs bring to the table, draining money
out of the economy into rival economies. Even worse, if they make
cryptos illegal, they’ll simply drive that money underground, which will
keep them from getting tax from their citizens, which will starve them
of revenue.
the system spreads it will put people back in control of their own
financial power. No one will be able to take your money from you. And
that is a good thing.
course, not everyone thinks so. Some folks always worry that people
will do bad things with this power, like commit crimes. But people will
always do bad things. They do those things now and they always have.
Crippling the system for everyone just to get those people is the height
of insanity. It has never worked and it never will.
Still, some people will never believe that.
trust their central powers unquestioningly. All you have to do is wrap
up your argument in “protecting the children” or “fighting terrorism”
and you can generally fool half of the people half of the time about any
terrible policy you want.
I’ve found that people who see central systems as the answer to
everything have usually lived in a stable central system for their whole
A few days in an unstable system would change their minds very quickly.
Don’t believe me?
Imagine you lived in Syria right now.
central infrastructure is destroyed, as is your money. You don’t want
the war, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Now your house is
gone, your friends and family are dead, your banks are bombed out and
you’re cast out, adrift, homeless and penniless. Even worse, nobody
wants you. The world has shifted from open borders to building walls
everywhere. You’re not welcome anywhere, you can’t stay where you are and you’re broke.
But what if your money was still there, recorded on the blockchain, waiting for you to download and restore a deterministic wallet and give it the right passphrase to restore it?
How much easier would it be to start your life over?
finally offer a way for us to control our own destiny. For the very
first time in the history of the world, we have a way to generate and
distribute money without a central power. People will have control over
the money they rightfully earned.
even better, instead of setting the playing field so the game is always
rigged, we can set the game up the way it was always meant to be
played, with open competition and flexible rules in a dynamic system
that allows everyone to compete.
we need to think big. We need to find a way to distribute the money far
and wide without taking it from everyone else. Do that and we change
the game forever.
That’s what my team is working on. Want to talk? Find us in DecStack.com.
Those who know me well would think I'm about to say the One thing every smart investor invests in is Cryptocurrency.
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint You... lol
While I know that an Investment in Cryptocurrency is what every Smart
Investor should be actively doing right now but it's not the one thing
that every one of them invests in.
The Most Question I Get From Would-Be Smart Investors
Every now and again, I get people asking me what I think is the best investment they should make?
I've been inundated with this question that I decided to address it in a post, hence I'm writing this post.
The One Investment that Smart Investors Can't Do Without
Are You ready for it?
Smart Investors can't do without Investing in themselves - They keep investing in Financial Education.
It's not about looking for the Best Investment Opportunity, the real question is, Are You a Good Investor?
A Bad Investor will Make a Mess of the Best Investment
Click to Tweet
Stop looking for good investments, rather invest in making yourself a
Good Investor; A Bad Investor will Make the Best Investment look very
Smart Investors invest their time before they invest their Money.
This is exactly why the Rich gets Richer, the Poor gets Poorer, and the Middle Class works Harder to make the Rich Richer.
3 Types of Education
Academic Education
Professional Education
Financial Education
Academic Education is gotten within the 4 walls of a School - Most people have this.
Professional Education is gotten at Work - Many people have this.
Financial Education is gotten by Research & Study - Few people have this.
The Purpose of 2 of the 3 Types of Education
Academic Education is designed to make You a Job Seeker. That is why You will have a Lecturer teaching Business Administration who has never started a Business and another one teaching Banking & Finance who has never worked in the Bank, consulted for a Bank or own a Bank.
The Elites have perfectly made our Educational Institutions the Training School for their Future Employees.
Professional Education is designed to specialize You, so You can be better qualified to help the Rich Make Money, this is why most companies will send You to a Training School before You resume on the Job.
But Financial Education is never taught in School and this is One
thing that Every Smart Investor Invests in and most people don't, which
is why we have more people who are poor.
Some Financial Education For You
Never save Money
It is impossible to save Money, whatever Money You think You are Saving, You are actually losing it.
The reason is because Money is no longer Money, Money is DEBT.
Before 1973, no Government had the power to print Money except it is
backed by Gold; In other words, if a Government wanted to print
$1Billion in Paper Money, they must hold the equivalent in Gold, that
was how Money operated when it was still Money.
But in 1973, President Richard Nixon of the United States took Money
off the Gold Standard and Government assumed the Power to print Money
without anything backing it, at that point, Money stopped being Money
but Debt, a Depreciating Asset.
So when they teach us to save Money, they are not being honest with
us, the same way You couldn't save water in the palm of your hands,
that's the same way You couldn't save Money.
You don't Save Money, You Invest Money.
And You don't just invest Money, it must be invested in a portfolio
that increases/appreciates above the Inflation Rate or You are simply
losing Money.
Are You beginning to understand what I'm teaching?
So You couldn't put your Money in your Savings Account with an
Interest of probably 3% per annum and think You are making a profit when
Inflation Rate is over 16% depending on what country You are but
Inflation Rate is usually higher than Interest Rate- Inflation Rate
reduces the purchasing power of your Money.
Invest in Cryptocurrency
The Banking Institution has not always been in existence, I need You
to understand this; just like the Government have not always had the
power to print Money, these were inventions that started at a particular
time just like Cryptocurrency is starting now and will take
center-stage as we go along.
The earliest form of Money is Peer to Peer; that is, Trade by Barter.
That is, people had control over their Money and could exchange what they had for what they wanted.
Money went through an evolution of Precious Metals before Paper Money
was introduced, which we all agreed was a better form of Money.
3 Characteristics of Money
When Money had just 3 characteristics, it was just fine but in 1973
when President Richard Nixon of the United States took Money off the
Gold Standard, a 4th characteristic was added which changed Money
Store of Value: Meaning your Money is supposed to appreciate and create wealth for You even without investing it, this was the case when Money was still tied to the Gold Standard.
Unit of Account: Meaning that Money is used to determine what unit or quantity of goods or value of a service to receive. So instead of exchanging a good for another goods/services, Money was used to determine the worth.
Means of Exchange: Meaning that Money was acceptable in the Exchange of Goods and Services.
We were good until the 4th characteristics was introduced in 1973
which changed Money forever but unfortunately, most people are ignorant
of this change.
4. System of Control: This was never part of the characteristics of Money, it was introduced in 1973. What this means really is that You no longer owned the Money You have, the Government owns it and You are only holding it in trust.
That's why your account can be frozen, that's why they can tell You
what your daily limit for transactions are, that's why they can tell You
who and where not to send Money to because in effect, they are in
charge but it was never that way.
Take the time to watch the Video below, so You can better understand
what the System of Control characteristic of Money is all about.
Remember, You are receiving the form of Education that most people don't
have - Financial Education - so you've got to commit to finish this
post and then watch the Video below.
What's the Way Forward?
Short Answer: Invest in Cryptocurrency
Long Answer: Invest in TBC (The Billion Coin)
What is TBC (The Billion Coin)
It's the first abundance-based Cryptocurrency with a Mission to End
Global Poverty. The strength of this Digital Currency is the community
size; in other words, the more this community grows, the more valuable
the coin becomes.
Therefore, TBC is on its way to become the most valuable coin in
existence because while most other coins are Market-Based, TBC is
community-Based, in other words the community who will be the users of
the coin are the ones driving the value, so they have a vested interest
in the coin.
I wrote a post I tiled "TBC Explained, the Dummy Style Way", I want You to take the time to read that post and take action.
What to Note About Smart Investors
They are investors they are not traders.
Smart Investors are willing to let time happen to their investment,
they know that the longer they let their investment be, the wealthier
they'll become.
Traders live for the short term, they are short-sighted, they live on
the little profits of their investments and so remain little the most
of their lives.
I had someone tell me he invested in Bitcoin in 2009 and I was
shocked at the nerve he had to mention that to me, I think he should be
ashamed to mention that.
You wonder why?
It is because this same guy that said he invested in Bitcoin in 2009
is still not wealthy; that is because he was never an Investor, he was a
Do You know that a $1 investment in Bitcoin in 2009 would have given
You 185 bitcoins?; At today's rate of $4200 for 1 Bitcoin that would
have been a fortune of $777,000.
We are right now in the TBC Community where Bitcoin was in 2009; so
If You missed out of Bitcoin, by all means don't miss out of TBC.
3 Action Points;https://youtu.be/FyK4P7ZdOK8
This is a Steemit powered event through @steem-lagos . But a community effort to expand user base in Nigeria.
Yesterday was the official opening of Steem Accelerator Hub @stach In Port-Harcourt Nigeria, We at Lagos feel sad not been present at the grand commissioning but we are extremely glad and proud. If you missed the commissioning update check the link below:
STACH official opening. Port Harcourt, Nigeria. |Official Opening of the first 'Steemit Hotspot'
SIN event is in weeks time, and we sure have an obligation to get more youth in on this beautiful jolly Steem-ride.
Now, many Steemians in Lagos had mandated @steem-lagos to carry them along in other Steemit Activities in the City of Lagos Nigeria- here is your chance beautiful people!
Taking Steemit into the street of Lagos is a Major task we must confess, but an achievable one, then imagine to have a gathering of mixed Citizens i.e Steemians and non-Steemians in one sitting? Sounds like a familiar thing but with a strategy and a twist- Then how do we get new/potential Steemians together in one place at a time? Magic? Conjuring?
The Global Mission for Steemians is to spread the Word all over the World to break the 1Million user milestone before the End of this year/Early 2018. And we have set a realistic target for ourselves-the @steem-lagos crew to take steemit into the corners of the Lagos busy City. Therefore, the workshop is targeted at getting 100-200 new users per episode.
For the Steemians that resides in the City of Lagos and the Growth of the Community is very paramount to you, this is our chance to do something "BOOM" for Steemit- The More the Merrier!
How it will work: Let's say i have two people I've been talking to about Steemit, and i just manage to bring them along to this @steem-lagos workshop. Say 20 Steemians attends and each brings one or two potential Steemian to this workshop, let us all do the calculations together:
25 people-Steemains wants to attend
Bringing 1 or 2 not yet on Steemit individuals along
Multiply that by 2 = 50 approx
That is additional 25 users in two hours coming on board
What do you think if 50 or more Steemians show up with 1 or 2 extra friends?
And this is the first roll-out, we planned to do it occasionally
So to supplement "The Viral Effect Strategy", we created a Social media add pages for a wider coverage in awareness, the target is more youths wasting time on Multiple social media, so we want to harness that and make it a work plan for the success of the Workshop.
Now this are the effects of the Viral effect, a more realist figure that is Steemians in the City of Lagos really wants to be carried along and each brings a friend or two. A 4 figure population would be some sort of Exaggerations and an intent to deceive the Community. But this is a much realistic strategy, there is a 65% positive result if other things being equal.
Community help and Grooming African/Nigerian newbies is our task plus our ultimate intention to enlarge Steemit user-base in the city is paramount, so we came up with a practical approach to bring more people in, we support all ongoing Nigerian Project and we hope they have the same view as us. @steem-lagos workshop 1.0 is the first of it's kind and a flagship series which will be running non-stop till Steemit Worldwide Surpasses the one million Users target.
As part of our community service, @steem-lagos announced couple of days ago to help newbies with their token conversion to Naira; only a few had shown interest- But it's a task as part of community building efforts. Please to visit the Terms and Conditions click below:
A tentative date has not being picked but the Workshop will hold in the 3rd or 4th weekend(Saturday) of October. The venue preferably is the center of Lagos which is Ikeja. Reason for this venue is for all attendees to have easy access to the Workshop.
The Workshop is not just for potential Steemians, but also an avenue for newbies to ask any questions about Steemit.
A live demonstration of how to convert your Steem/SBD to Naira.
Ideas and suggestion corner- how to grow the Nigerian Community.
Coaching newbies on what to do and not to do i.e combating Plagiarism and spamming.
Video sessions with Steemians all over the World- seeking their words of motivation and advice. imagine talking to some of those Steemians that supports the Nigerian Community so well i.e @stellabelle @donkeypong @infovore @surpassinggoggle @maryfavour / @redfishpillar @mammasitta @aggroed @hanshotitfirst @kingscrown @kevinwong @sweetsssj @demotruk @gavvet and many more...
NOTE- Because of the difference in time Zone, and considering how busy many of this good-hearted Steemians are- we dare not waste their precious time. So @steem-lagos will pre-inform any of them that will be available to talk to us via a video call for some minutes and not longer on the exact day we agree on, and few question time with them.
@steem-lagos would be needing the services of @jotmax , @braindocorp CEO- Joshua, myself @lucashunter @peman. Any Steemian based in Lagos and feels this is our collective task should indicate in the comments session on any update post about the @steem-lagos Workshop 1.0- Taking Steemit into the City.
If things go well, @steem-lagos plans to give refreshment and a $1 transport-fare token(that's about NGN360) to every Potential Steemians that shows up with a Steemian on the day yet to be chosen. Reason for the Token amount is that @steem-lagos is bearing the cost and logistics of the Workshop with the help of @oluwoleolaide @lucashunter @jotmax and @peman
An update post will be made available often for the message to get to all interested Steemians in the City indicating the exact venue in the center of Lagos Ikeja and time. @steem-lagos will be leasing a hall for a 3 hours period, therefore prompt arrival and attendance will be greatly appreciated for the first Steemit Workshop in the City of Lagos Nigeria.
Steemians in the City of Lagos who would love to be a part of this initiative should please indicate in the comment session below for record purposes.
Steemians in the City, this is our collective task for Steemit; increasing our user base in Nigeria with Skillful and Bright Youths is our Ultimate Goal- Together we can achieve this, thank you!
Let our work speaks for us!
It's your friendly Neighbors @oluwoleolaide, @peman and @lucashunter for @Steem-Lagos Nigeria-Africa-World!